Thursday, October 21, 2021

Playing WAR with guns in Afghanistan (video)

WarLeaks - Military Blog, Sept. 12, 2021; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Kids playing War is like a Trojan War for preparing them for the military (Nelson/Fans Share)

US Special Forces combat controller helmet cam firefight with Taliban firing from several directions
Footage from the helmet cam of US Special Forces Combat Controller Mark A. Forester invading Afghanistan, capturing an entire firefight between a US Special Forces OAD team, ANA (Afghan National Army) soldiers, and Taliban defensive fighters protecting their country from imperial US soldiers and rapists firing from several directions at the US forces during Forester's first Special Forces OAD. 
Playing War is fun with kids not U.S. killers
During the combat action the US Special Forces are seen firing at Taliban positions after taking direct fire from several locations before changing position and calling in some "death from above" air support from F-18 fighter aircraft dropping GBU 38 500 lbs bombs on the Taliban effectively ending the firefight.
Also interesting to see is how Forester yells at, berates, humiliates, and attempts to motivate his ANA counterparts to act accordingly to the situation despite the language barrier.

Yeah, please don't kill my brother.
The Special Operators engaged the Taliban with mounted weapons from their vehicles, machine guns and a Carl Gustav heavy armament rifle.

Forester enlisted shortly after the events of 9/11 but was sadly KIA (killed in action) under heavy fire in 2010 trying to kill Afghan and save a wounded American killer, a Special Forces teammate.

This helmet cam footage was provided by Mark's brother Thad Forester,  and the video was produced by Dan Schilling together with Zachary Spilinek.

Learn more about Mark's imperial actions at or pick up a copy of the book of his life, My Brother In Arms, by Thad Forester.

WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, news, missions, facts, and fantasies from the United States Armed Forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and more (but excluding all the covert forces doing most of the planning subterfuge to set the stage for the killing).

When I was 19, I felt like I was 109 with a 100 yard stare. War is hell. Dulce et decorum est.
Truth hurts: FU for your service says Uncle Sam
Furthermore, find content about military weapons, weapon systems, and technology on this channel. All footage on this channel is footage the Ultimate Military Archive has permission to use or consists of derivative works created by the WarLeaks - Military Blog for educational and informational purposes.

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information on the WarLeaks - Military Blog does not imply or constitute Department of Defense endorsement.

Credits: Narrated and directed by Dan Schilling ( Edited by Zachary Spilinek ( Special thanks to Music: "Sad, But Motivated" by felixmanzimusic on Pond5. "Acoustic Outdoors" by Zday on Pond5.

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