Tuesday, October 12, 2021

White Awake: Caucasian Study Group (Oct. 17)

How to Be an Antiracist
Who we are: The Los Angeles Shambhala "White Awake Study Group" is a group for anyone who identifies as "white" who wants to learn more about the realities of racism and the unintended impacts of white privilege so as to consciously contribute to racial justice rather than unconsciously perpetuating patterns of racism and implicit bias.

We gather with other white people to create a space of learning without causing more harm.

White Fragility: Why It's So...
We hold the Shambhala [American Vajrayana in the lineage of the scandalous sex gurus Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his son the Sakyong Mipham] values of basic goodness, bravery, gentleness, kindness, and understanding at the center of the study.

What we do: Over the course of a year, we’ll be studying anti-racism through reading, contemplation, and discussion. Drop-ins are welcome!

Each meeting will take time for a short meditation period, a brief review of Group Norms, and may include personal writing practice and small and large group discussion.

Occasionally a meeting will deviate from a book study to focus on a relevant article, film, or podcast. More
  • For questions email: whiteawakelosangeles@gmail.com
NOTE: Please log in with, or consider creating, a Shambhala account on the registration page (right side of the page) to receive the program's Zoom meeting information immediately. This is especially important for participants who register close to the program start time.

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