Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Bible Study with Lewis Black (comedy)

God with his friend, Chugs, the moment he created the universe with a lighter (Family Guy).

WARNING: Brutal, harsh, crude, vulgar, insensitive biblical readings and mockery as much as study!

Lewis Black The Rant is Due: Best of the Bible
(Lewis Black, 11/20/21) National Bible Week falls every year on the week of Thanksgiving.

First declared by Pres. Franklin Roosevelt in 1941, it celebrates the reading of the best-selling book of all time and encourages participants to believe the scriptures and share their faith and favorite Bible verses with fellow followers -- and anyone else they can corner.

In this collection of rants, Black analyzes the differences between the Jewish and Christian Bibles, the separation of church and state, and the South's Ark Encounter "life-size" Noah's Ark/Creation Museum in Williamstown, Kentucky.

Special appearances by Adam, Eve, Snake, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, and the Leviticus litany of who begat whom.

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