Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Elon Musk loses 50 bil in 2 days; girlfriend gone

Business Insider (MSN.com, 11/9/21); Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Elon Musk loses $50 bil in 2 days, Tesla shares plunge 16%, still $100+ bil richer than Bezos

What goes up must come down, SpaceX Founder Musk is finding out. Grimes is gone.
Baby Mama Grimes is gone. O, woe, Elon!
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is now worth $323 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Musk's $50 billion loss comes on the back of a 16% decline in Tesla's stock market share price this week.

He's still the richest man on earth, leading the second-wealthiest man Jeff Bezos [or is that Vladimir Putin?] by $122 billion.

After PayPal, Elon Musk started Tesla, SpaceX.
It's only Wednesday, but Tesla CEO Musk has already lost $50 billion this week after shares of Tesla tanked 16% in two days.

The massive losses come on the back of a string of headlines, including tweets from Musk himself and another tweet from a famed short-seller.

According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Musk is now worth $323 billion (after the losses), and that $50 billion loss marks the largest two-day decline in the history of the index. Moreover, where's his girlfriend and the mother of his child? Gone. Grimes is long gone. But they're still friends. More

(DB Business) Rambling billionaire: Elon says this is his "final" warning.

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