Wednesday, December 1, 2021

I'm 1% Neanderthal? DNA test is wrong (doc)

Storyteller, Wisdom Quarterly; NORTH 02, 9/23/21 (Neanderthal: Ancient Human video)
Stone Age teeth hint at [incestuous] Neanderthal interbreeding (CNN)

Neanderthal: Ancient Human
Are you a bit Neanderthal? (Wired UK)
(NORTH 02) What can someone say when getting back faulty swab test results from 23 and Me and it says the saliva swab donor is part Neanderthal?

I thought I was Denisovan, maybe Cro Magnon, but not no damn dirty ape Neanderthal! Did I emerge from Mother Africa, make it to Europe, and interbreed with other human species?

Do I look like a Euro-Neanderthal? Kinda? No way!

NPR: Did we (Homo sapien sapiens) have sex with Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis)?

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