Friday, November 26, 2021

Creating LUCK in Inner Vegas: Dr. Gallenberger

Dr. Gallenberger (Coast to Coast, 11/25/21); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
How to win at gambling, in Las Vegas, in life in general? Lady Luck (Clampett Studio)

Inner Vegas (
Liquid Luck author and clinical psychologist Dr. Joseph Gallenberger ( studies luck and psychokinesis.

Live on a Thanksgiving radio interview he discusses the power and benefits of gratitude (Buddhist kataññuta and katavedita).

It's a happy feeling and expression of appreciation, he says of gratitude. Such feelings of thankfulness can open our heart energy and increase awareness of the good fortune we are already experiencing but perhaps taking for granted.

This readies us for "our blessings to flow," he notes, adding that an "attitude of gratitude creates the space for grace."

Authentic gratitude is really joyful, which is different from our usual definition, viewing it as a sense of duty, he explains.

As author Melody Beattie says, "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."

A felt sense of gratitude can be cultivated, Dr. Gallenberger points out. One way to do it is to
  • take a moment each day to express appreciation to someone who's been helpful to us,
  • or thank someone for good service as we leave a tip,
  • or express to ourselves or another gratitude for the little things in life like the sunrise or discovering a new recipe.
We could also write a note once a week to some person or organization we feel is doing good work and/or has personally benefited us.

"A regular practice of gratitude can change the way our brain neurons fire into more positive automatic patterns," he reports, "and psychology studies have associated it with increased levels of energy, optimism, empathy, and happiness."  More + AUDIO

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