Saturday, November 20, 2021

Native American stories: human origins (video)

Lakota storyteller Joseph Marshal III, June 2, 2019Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Story of the Eagle: Lakota legends
(Native- Red Cloud- Mahpiya Luta 6th Gen- FM III) Storyteller Joseph Marshal III retells this legendary story based on the Lakota Way. It is the traditional Lakota tale of the eagle and the great sacrifice given to humankind. WE ARE ONE.
  • Use headphones to experience 3D sound and digital enhancements. American-Indians are one thing, but what do East Indians (from India) have to say about "eagle-people"?
Avian-human hybrids?
Wisdom Quarterly Wikipedia edit and GP Malalasekera, Pali English Dictionary
Who are the avian garudas? (Indian Nat'l Museum)
(Wiki) Who are the eagles (garudas) in Buddhist cosmology, rooted in the more ancient Eastern philosophical tradition of the Vedas and Dharmic religions? They are celestial "Avians."

garuda is described as the king of birds, a kite-like figure, shown either in zoomorphic form (as a giant bird with partially open wings) or an anthropomorphic form (human with wings and some bird features).

Garudas are generally protectors with the power to swiftly go anywhere, to be ever watchful, and are an enemy of the serpent (reptilians). More

[Note that there are bad birds, and there may be good reptilians.]

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