Friday, November 26, 2021

"Licorice Pizza" will be big hit. Oh, the 1970s!

Paul Thomas Anderson; ZippZapps; Seth Auberon, Sheldon S., Ash Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I'm finally becoming an actor. I play a DJ.
We've been hearing about the new movie Licorice Pizza for a long time because local LA DJ comedian Tim Conway Jr. (KFI AM's funniest talk show host) has a bit part in it. We thought he was kidding about it being any good. A local Jewish rock star, of Haim fame, gets some screen time, too. It's a surprise that it looks really good, like The Wonder Years for the big screen, Bradley Cooper notwithstanding.

Licorice Pizza Panel: Alana Haim, Cooper Hoffman, and Producer Sara Murphy.
(ZippZapps, 11/21/21) PTA Film introduction. The first 46 seconds of the video is from Paul Thomas Anderson (PTA) introducing a screening of the film.

Hey, my eyes are up here, jerk.
Then the majority of the video is a panel with both leads, Alana Haim and Cooper Hoffman, in addition to producer Sara Murphy. This was from the screening held on Nov. 21, 2021 next to UCLA at the Regency Village Westwood Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Apologies for the shaky camera, going out of focus, and dim lighting at times. Old phone. I wanted to try to concentrate on not looking much at the stars through the phone but still capture the moment for everyone.

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