Saturday, November 20, 2021

On the Path to Enlightenment: Karma (video)

Lopön Chandra (SF Dharma Collective); Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(SF Dharma Collective) American Buddhist teacher Lopön Chandra Easton leads a class on serenity (shamatha) then guides us in resting in awareness.

Heart Advice from Tibetan Masters (Ricard)
She then speaks about KARMA, inspired by Chapter III in our guiding text, Matthieu “The Happiest Man in the World“ Ricard, On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters.

The discussion focuses on how karma (deeds, intentional, volitional actions, personal conduct) arises and the skillful means a practitioner implements to support the generation of wholesome karmic outcomes for themselves and others.

Lopön Chandra Easton is a teacher and translator of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the assistant spiritual director and lead authorized teacher for Tara Mandala Retreat Center, founded by Lama Tsultrim Allione. She has taught Buddhism and yoga since 2001 and co-translated Sublime Dharma: A Compilation of Two Texts on the Great Perfection, published in 2012. She is currently writing a book on the 21 Taras in Buddhism. Visit and

Eve and Chandra teach every Wednesday at 7:30 pm PT in the SF Dharma Collective ( To donate to The Dharma Collective here (leave a note saying that it's for Chandra):

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