Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rich elites are scamming us (Russell Brand)

Are the Elites SCAMMING us? Watch this!
(Russell Brand, Nov. 19, 2021) Richest-man-in-the-world Elon Musk sparred with loveable, bogus liberal, failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton booster, Joe Biden kiss up, and ineffectual farce Bernie Sanders over tax policy this week.

We live by different rules, right Melinda? - STFU
How do multi-billionaires get away with paying so little relative tax compared to us, and why do so many politicians seems to want to make sure it stays that way?

#ElonMusk #BernieSanders #JeffBezos #Billionaires #TaxTheRich
Get tickets for Russell Brand's 2022 tour at

Elites are taking over! Our only hope is to form our own cartel (not a euphemism). Here's Brand's ( to get weekly bulletins too incendiary for anything but private inboxes.

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