Wednesday, December 22, 2021

10 questions for a Thai monk (video)

Buddhism Explained: Thai monk answers 10 questions
(Retired Working For You, Dec. 15, 2021) Buddhist practice at one place is explained simply for beginners. Listen to a Thai Theravada Buddhist monk answer 10 questions about life and monkhood in northern Thailand.

This is Monk Chat, an innovative program at Wat Suan Dok in Chiang Mai, Thailand. To learn how to relieve stress or to learn the meaning of life, this video is the video.

Phra KK is a wise and very kind monk who took time during his afternoon to answer a wide variety of questions. The video has been divided into chapters to navigate the questions of interest.

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  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 1:21 Why did you become a monk?
  • 2:14 How long does it take to become a monk?
  • 3:47 What are the pros and cons of monkhood?
  • 5:25 What advice can you give for a long and happy life?
  • 6:44 What is the best way to explore Buddhism in Thailand?
  • 8:32 Are Buddhist monks allowed to use cell phones?
  • 10:28 What is your most amazing spiritual experience?
  • 11:04 What's the most important part of Buddhism?
  • 11:48 What is the best way to relieve stress?
  • 12:52 How do you view other religions?
  • 16:40 How can we participate in temple rituals?
  • 19:10 What are a Buddhist monk's blessing?
Lots more fun stuff on website:

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