Thursday, December 30, 2021

NPR: Bisexuals? Putting the B in LGBTQ (audio)

Michelle Harven (1A, NPR, via SCPR, 12/23/21); CC Liu, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I keep it hidden due to shame and fear, I guess.
A new Gallup poll found that a growing number of adults are identifying as LGBT. One in six Gen Z adults identified as LGBT compared to the around one in 10 millennials. The Gallup survey also found that more than half of LGBT adults identify as bisexual.

What the heck is LGBTQI+LMNOP?
Despite their large numbers, bisexuals are often overlooked and are still stigmatized by many inside and out of the LGBT community. They are far less likely than gays and lesbians to be "out" to the people in their lives.

So why is bi visibility such an issue? And what are the unique struggles of those who identify as bisexual?

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