Friday, December 3, 2021

Can humans befriend wild animals? (video)

Forest-dwelling Theravada monks in Thailand befriended man-eating tigers with metta.

Can animals have friendships with humans?
(Animal Adventures) Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin sets off on a worldwide journey of discovery to find out why animals of different species make friends with each other and even fall in love. 

Somebody read Jungle Book and loved me.
She's out to find the science behind unusual interactions in the animal kingdom. Some of the surprising associations include a polar bear befriending huskies, a cat mothering ducklings, and an orangutan who keeps a "pet" dog.

These odd pairings are not just limited to different species; animal relationships with humans are also explored, as people have been known to keep exotic pets such as lions, hippos, and buffalos.

Bonnin investigates the root of the affectionate connections and tries to uncover the reasons for the behaviors. Some people have sought out unusual, even potentially dangerous, relationships with some very surprising animals.

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The subhuman realm of animals
The "animal womb" (Sanskrit Tiryagyoni-loka तिर्यग्योनिलोक or Pali Tiracchāna-yoni तिरच्छानयोनि, Tibetan dud 'gro, Chinese/Japanese 畜生 chikushō, Burmese တိရစ္ဆာန်ဘုံ, Thai เดรัจฉานภูมิ or ติรยคฺโยนิโลก) is a world comprised of all members of the animal kingdom that are capable of feeling suffering, regardless of size. The animal realm includes animals, insects, fish, birds, worms, and so on.

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