Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ghislane Maxwell's child sex trafficking trial

Prosecution rests case in Ghislaine Maxwell child sex trafficking trial
(Sky News Australia, Dec. 12, 2021) Prosecutors in the trial of wealthy child procurer Ghislaine Maxwell have rested their case after 10 days and more than 20 witnesses. The British socialite is accused of recruiting and grooming teenage girls to be sexually, psychologically, and emotionally abused by she and her former partner and late financier, the infamous now-dead Jeffrey Epstein [who was self-evidently murdered in detention before he could talk, with broken bones in his neck indicating strangulation but but all swept under the carpet as a "suicide" because you know how like sometimes you strangle yourself when no one's watching even though you're on suicide watch?] Maxwell denies all charges. The trial will continue on Thursday.

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