Saturday, December 18, 2021

Full Moon Ceremony: Cosmic Creativity

Alex Grey, Allyson Grey (CoSM);; Pat Macpherson, Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(CoSM, This is an extraordinary full moon ceremony with sacred artist Alex Grey (, IG, FB); Allyson Grey (, IG, FB); Chapel of Sacred Mirrors; performer Ben Ridgeway; Carl Sagan; Visionary Permaculture (Dragon Dreaming,​); acid trip with Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert, Harvard University) with Dirtwire. More
  • Consider making a donation to the project as every contribution offers a gift to the future.
(Almanac) December’s Cold Moon reaches peak illumination on Saturday, Dec. 18, 2021, at 11:37 pm EST. It is most commonly known as the "Cold Moon" — a Mohawk Native American name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year, when cold weather seriously begins to grip us. More

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