Thursday, December 30, 2021

Guru Valeria: beautiful human "Barbie"

Kathryn Lamont,, Real life Barbie; edited by Wisdom Quarterly
"Human Barbie" is punched and strangled by men outside her Odessa home (Daily Mail)

I compose New Age operas.
Lukyanova believes success cannot be achieved by looks alone. This is why she works as a spiritual guru, and her biggest aim is to master the art of astral travel.

“Many people think you need only good looks to be successful, but that’s not true,” she said. “Only spiritual work can bring tangible results.” She says she’s a spiritual being not of this planet.

But Lukyanova isn’t averse to using her eye-catching good looks to encourage a “spiritual practice” and the ways of thought that promotes. As she explained to Vice, “If a nun starts talking about spirituality, will anyone notice her? No, no one will. But if a beautiful, inspiring young woman starts talking about it, many people will start thinking.”

She kicks off each day with meditation and yoga, followed by an “out-of-body experience.” Her fanbase doesn’t worry about the ins and outs of how she achieved her look, which she says was not surgery.

Make up free asexual Valeria w/ husband Dmitri
A documentary about her was done by Vice in 2013. Director Will Fairman said, “I discovered she was a New Age opera composer and gave seminars on spirituality, so she obviously had a few more strings to her bow than just being a tumblr girl.”

Lukyanova is a Breatharian, which means she does not eat or drink. Food and water are unnecessary for survival. Humans can subsist solely on prana, vital life force. Her goal now is to move to the US.

She believes in rebirth and has claimed that before she lived many lives as men. Not only peasants, she recalled to Vice, “In one of my past lives, I was quite a famous king.”

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