Thursday, December 2, 2021

Jesus demanded his disciples hate, says Bible

Owen Jarus, "20 Bizarre Stories from the Bible," 4 of 21, Live Science, 11/29/21; Wisdom Quarterly
Would Jesus be a Republican or a Jewish socialist?
God is love? In the Bible, in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus [the threefold "son-of-god" or devaputra in Buddhist Sanskrit] has an unusual requirement for his disciples: They have to HATE their own family.

"Large crowds were traveling with Jesus and, turning to them, he said:

'If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters — yes, even their own life — such a person cannot be my disciple'" (Luke 14:25-26).

We can help them hate their family for him
Why Jesus said this is a matter of debate. One possibility is that there was additional context that was lost over time or that information was passed down incorrectly or was misinterpreted.

"People are responsible for the texts as we have them. Did God have a say in it? That's a matter of [blind faith or interpreted] belief. But there's no denying that the texts come to us through human hands," Swenson wrote. More

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