Saturday, December 18, 2021

Mari Samuelsen: Vivaldi's "Summer" (4 Seasons)

Sarah Chang; Mari Samuelsen; Antonio Vivaldi; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly CLASSICAL KUSC

(Mari Samuelsen, 9/13/09) Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is among the finest in classical music, with "Summer" standing out. It represents aspects of each season. Who would imagine 33,000,000 going on 34 million views for a blond soloist with a a bunch of Vikings accompanying her? In Europe it seems the Stradivarius violin has as much appeal as the Gibson electric guitar in the US in the hands of common hair farmers (those rock guys). Samuelsen may not the best performance ever, but it is a powerful one.

Trondheim Soloists. Artistic Director Øyvind Gimse. Soloist Mari Silje Samuelsen. Hamardomen. Samuelsen Productions. Video by Tor Melgalvis. Camera: Kjetil Andersen, Jan Gunnar Martinsen, and Tor Melgalvis.
Talent trumps all: KUSC plays Sarah Chang's masterpiece version

Sarah Chang: "Summer" Violin Concerto (Antonio Vivaldi)
(SsteinwayS, 7/5/10) Listening to LA's Classical KUSC 91.5 FM, we heard a revelation: Sarah Chang's Four Seasons. CD available in the US ( and Canada ( Chang performs the thrilling "Summer" violin concerto in G minor with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.

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