Thursday, December 30, 2021

Meditation focus on jhana: Ajahn Brahm (video)

Video courtesy of Chandana Dematapitiya, Jan. 1, 2019; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Meditation with focus on jhana: Ajahn Brahm
(Ajahn Brahm/Wisdom Quarterly) Meditation really begins as jhana or "absorption." But as these are refined and mastered, they become more of a practice and serene resort for the practitioner. They serve as means of temporary mental purification, making insight possible, and as the stable foundation for mindfulness-based insight practices to systematically see things as they really are and thereby be permanently purified by knowing and seeing. British monk trained in Thailand (under the great Ajahn Chah) Ajahn Brahm explains the significance of this Buddhist basic many have taken to ignoring or skipping. Samma samadhi, "right stillness," is an essential component of the Ennobling Eightfold Path to enlightenment, and the Buddha repeatedly defined "right" in terms of mastering the first four absorptions in the sutras.

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