Friday, December 24, 2021

Mexico's archaeological enigma, Chp. 2

(Charlie Hatchet, 9/3/18) Valsequillo- An Archaeological Enigma, Chapter 2. The Mexican archeological site of Hueyatlaco contains scientific evidence of extreme human antiquity the scientific community cannot accept. So progress is only made by retirement, as old scholars clinging to their views, interpretations, and finds leave the field and no longer argue for their wrong views and reputations. Valsequillo Basin is an archaeological enigma.
Michael "Forbidden Archeologist" Cremo writes about paleoanthropological finds the world over that cannot be accepted as they overturn the consensus reality scientists in the field have built up. Objective science be damned, this is about subjective our reputations and views. We cling to them in spite of new evidence that says we have been wrong all along.

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