Tuesday, December 7, 2021

US knew Pearl Harbor was coming: war pretext

Discover UK; Dark Seas, 11/17/21; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Did Pres. Roosevelt have prior knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack?
(Discovery UK, Codes and Conspiracies, 9/12/17) Many conspiracy theorists believe Pres. Roosevelt knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor, which took over 2,000 lives. Follow Discovery on Twitter: twitter.com/DiscoveryUK.

The US actually knew Pearl Harbor would happen?
(Dark Seas) The Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor left some of the American Pacific fleet in ruins, officially giving the United States a necessary pretext to enter World War II.

The well foreseen event ignited speculation that is still widely debated eight decades after its occurrence. During the so-called Winds Code incident, American Army and Navy codebreakers monitoring Japanese communications intercepted a message that hinted at a big Japanese attack. The message was supposedly lost (plausible deniability) amidst thousands of documents received in the months leading to December 7, 1941.

To this day, it is contested if Pres. Franklin Roosevelt’s administration purposely failed to protect Pearl Harbor, leaving it wide open while moving the most important US ships out to sea, with soldiers used as sacrificial pawns to be killed in the attack, which could then be avenged and make the US look like the good guys simply defending themselves. The Winds Code was a real clue signaling the devastating attack.

Kamikaze pilots coming into Hawaii immediately knew it was a setup and tried to retreat, but it was too late. They had been drawn in, and there was no way out. They had been coming from Japan for a long time, with the US monitoring them. As with all wars the US wants to enter, a pretext is always used for legal purposes.

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