Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Will Omicron kill me? Mild symptoms; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

The new and improved variant, now even more transmissible but less virulent (deadly), is taking over. It was predicted to become the dominant strain in less than a week. And what do you know? It did it! While Dr. Fauci tries to keep the country and world afraid -- and make it even more afraid so that people will obey without delay or question -- few can deny Omicron is a mild flu or cold, hardly anything to lose sleep over. And look how many people continue to be "asymptomatic," which means they are not sick. Contagious maybe, but not sick. It's being transmitted all over the place. And "breakthrough" infections -- or as most people have taken to calling them, infections -- are rampant. Why risk injury with the promise of so little benefit by revaccinating and boosting? Because we're told to. We must obey the PR doctors, who must themselves obey the pharmaceutical reps (paid representatives), who are doing all they can to enrich Big Pharma. And no one is allowed to question.

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