Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Big Pharma owns the media (TJDS)

No, 270 “doctors” didn't criticize Joe Rogan or anything he said about Covid recovery on his podcast

FDA corruption way worse than thought
(The Jimmy Dore Show, 12/23/21) It's called "regulatory capture," and even cynics would be shocked at the level of corruption running rampant at the United States' FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Did you know that Big Pharma funds 75% of the drug approval research that goes on at the FDA and in return for those hundreds of millions of dollars can get "expedited" service? There's a revolving door between the FDA and large pharmaceutical concerns spins like an out-of-control merry-go-round. It all adds up to a regulatory system built to benefit rather than regulate Big Pharma at a major cost to ordinary American citizens -- both in terms of taxes and healthcare outcomes. Comedians Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger discuss this incredibly corrupt relationship between the FDA and Big Pharma.

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