Sunday, January 30, 2022

Buddhist monks of New Zealand (video)

Mallika Worboys, 2/12/17; Senses, 5/27/19; Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Reflections of Anagarika (Trainee) Nick| Vimutti Buddhist Monastery, New Zealand

Bodhinyanarama: The Life of a Monk
(Mallika Worboys) Is there Buddhism in New Zealand? Yes. This short documentary visits Bodhinyanarama Buddhist Monastery in Stokes Valley, Wellington, New Zealand.

Anagarika Sam Gibb (Vimutti Vihara, NZ)
The abbot Ajahn Kusolo talks about the establishment of the vihara (monastic complex), how he was introduced to Buddhism, and life as a Theravada Buddhist monk.

Through glimpses of life at the monastery, such as footage of a Kathina robe offering ceremony and following the monks on their weekly alms round into Stokes Valley, this film depicts how Bodhinyanarama enriches and interacts with the local Buddhist community.

Filmed in 2016 as part of Massey University's documentary (non-fiction) film course:

Bodhinyanarama Monastery, New Zealand
(Senses) This is a short doc on the Theravada Buddhist Bodhinyanarama Monastery in New Zealand. It is a visual montage of Buddhist symbols and mudras or gestures. It looks at celebrations conducted on the occasion of the laying of a traditional Sri Lankan moonstone. Sri Lanka offered a replica of the moonstone, and Thailand offered a statue of the Buddha reclining into final nirvana.

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