Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ghislaine Maxwell DATED Prince Andrew?

Kaya Terry (Mail Online, Jan. 16, 2022, updated 1/17/22, Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

A doddering old fool? Prince A.
Prince Andrew may have DATED Ghislaine Maxwell: Insiders tell documentary (ITV's Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile) the pair had "easy warmth" around each other
Accused pedophile Prince Andrew of England's Royal House of Windsor has been alleged to have dated Ghislaine Maxwell "in the past."

Couple at Royal Ascot in 2000 (Tim Graham/Getty)
The Duke of York is also alleged to "scream" if maids messed up his large teddy bear collection.

Former royalty protection officer said Ghislane Maxwell entered and exited the palace "at will."

This revelation comes out after Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, 61, was stripped of his royal and military titles.

ITV's documentary airs on Tuesday night at 9:00 pm (Ghislaine, Prince Andrew & the Paedophile: What to expect inews.co.uk).

Prince and girlfriend?
Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell may have dated in the past, a friend of the pair has claimed [in a new documentary investigation]. More

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