Wednesday, January 19, 2022

How to find LOVE in 2022: expert dating tips

Luisa Tam (The Naked Truth), Valentina Tudose; Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Wanting a relationship means you are making a choice to add a new dimension to a fulfilling life.
How to find love in 2022: dating tips from an expert. Are you even ready for a relationship?
We found each other. - I was ready for this.
Falling in love is a truly magical [illusory and misery-producing] feeling [after a thrilling high].

So humans chase after it like a drug among drugs.

Unfortunately for some of us, it seems like the harder we try, the more difficult it is to find the right person.

COLUMN: The Naked Truth (Luisa Tam/SCMP)
It’s not that we don’t deserve love or that our ideal partner doesn’t exist. More often than not, there’s a simple reason love hasn’t found us yet.

Luckily, it’s within our control to overcome this problem. A common obstacle to finding love is a tendency to stick to an established yet unsuccessful dating pattern.

Relationship "expert" Valentina Tudose
The way we present ourselves to other people is the key to success
in love and dating. So if we are mired in self-doubt or tend to settle for less than we deserve, it makes it harder to find true love.

If finding love this year is a top priority for anyone, relationship expert and certified hypnotherapist Valentina Tudose is here to help. More

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