Saturday, January 29, 2022

Funeral rites for Thich Nhat Hanh (video)

Religion World, 1/23/22; CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
Samsara is a "vicious circle" of dukkha, different from nirvana or "complete freedom" (WQ).

The last rites of Thich Nhat Hanh: a funeral for a Buddhist monk
(Religion World, Jan. 23, 2022) Religion World is an initiative to cover all religions, spiritual practices, traditions, beliefs, astrology, meditation, and every aspect of faith.  #thichnhathanh #vietnam #buddhism
What happened to Thay?

I never said I was awake which proves I am!
[EDITORIAL NOTE: Beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh knows that an attained person, that is to say an actual enlightened person, merits a monument, a stupa or chorten, a reliquary for the veneration of that person's sacred relics or sarira.

But Thay insisted this not be done for him, using the excuse that it would be better for the environment not to. How incredibly humble?

How dare you question our teacher's attainment!
It seems a flimsy explanation. Perhaps he knew he was not one of the "noble ones" (arya) in the dispensation of the historical Buddha Gautama or Shakyamuni and this was his way of signaling that, staving off false and unfruitful veneration of his remains.

Surely a fully enlightened person, utterly selfless, would not wish to deprive those who yet wander in the world (samsara) the merit of venerating genuine relics if s/he could offer them to those who remain behind after passing into final nirvana. Perhaps Thay experienced a satori, a powerful epiphany about reality, but not actual Buddhist enlightenment/awakening as described in detail as bodhi in the ancient and sacred Buddhist texts.

We don't "know." Who but other nobles can know? Yet we dare to question the attainment of this great peace activist and Zen teacher, so beloved by the world. Traditions differ; awakening in one is not awakening in another if one bothers to examine the details of what the historical Buddha taught rather than the overwhelming Brahmanical/Hindu influences on Mahayana.]

Why everyone makes the same angry face
[Please send your angry complaint letters and hate mail on Thay's behalf to the comments section, and we at Wisdom Quarterly will be sure to read it. How dare anyone suggest that Thay was anything but the very embodiment of a bodhisattva, a mahasattva, Maitreya Buddha himself!!]

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