Thursday, January 27, 2022

Major Dames remote views aliens, etc. (video)

Remote viewing: revelations on 9/11, Space Aliens, Deep State, Pt. 1
(Deceptions of the Ages News, 2/19/19) Remote viewing Super PSI Spy Major Ed Dames (retired) joins "Books in Heinessight" to talk about his book Tell Me What You See: Remote Viewing Cases from the World's Premiere Psychic Spy, the history of the U.S. Army’s Remote Viewing Program and his work with a number of classified and secret projects that are just now coming to light.

Tell Me What You See: Remote Viewing
In the first part of a two-part interview, the history of the U.S. Remote Viewing Program after the military kicked it into the private sector is discussed. Major Dames also unveils the actors and players behind 9/11.

Also discussed are the physics of remote viewing and the element of time and location when it comes to identifying targets. Major Ed Dames gives his candid thoughts on remote viewing as a professional and ethical practice as well as his thoughts on the Far Site Institute and its contributions to remote viewing.

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