Friday, January 7, 2022

Misogyny on parade: Feminists "owned" :(

Fiddy (YouTube); Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Feminism vs. Logic (owned compilation) #2
(Fiddy, 10/15/17) Misogyny is the hatred or fear (same root dosa) of females. The corollary is misanthropy, the hatred or fear of males (extended to encompass all humans).

You'd think we'd evolve already. Many haven't.
There is a sad genre of videos, mocking and denigrating -- or trying very hard to -- "social justice warriors," "feminists" (apparently any female with a strong opinion or not conforming to expected gender norms. How fearful are men, particularly on the right, that these videos get so many views when so few females on them are "owned"? It's not just the views, it's the number of people posting them. Here's an example with nearly 15 million views. It's very unpopular to say, "I'm a feminist." But we are. Who wouldn't be? Who doesn't want fair treatment and for everyone to get a chance? Who is against equality? Sexists who follow the Bible or popular lore in the West, and East come to think of it. It's hatred of females and femininity, which is generally viewed as weakness.

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