Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Reverend MLK was a SAINT at his ORGY

Paul Wilson (kcconfidential.com, 4/4/14); Sheldon S., Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

I only want to do God's will+sex
Dr. King appeared less than concerned about his own image.

In a 1989 CSPAN interview his closest friend, the Reverend Ralph Abernathy, said:

“Dr. King did not want to be a saint or viewed as a saint. He was just a human being, capable of becoming and producing and leading his people out of the wilderness of segregation into the Promised Land.” More
Arranging ORGY before March on Washington
Uh, you stay home, Coretta. - OK, Marty.
(Daily Mail, 8/30/13) FBI investigation is said to have uncovered details that the Christian preacher slept with members of his congregation...

Leading one of the most astonishing double-lives in history, Baptist preacher Reverend King was not just the Bible-thumping champion of the rights of men, but also an inveterate womanizer who cheated on his wife throughout their marriage.

Rev. King’s secret sex life became such a talking point at the White House... Jackie Kennedy confided how her brother-in-law Robert Kennedy had told her the FBI had recorded Rev. King trying to arrange a sex party on the night before the March on Washington in August 1963.

"I can’t see a picture of Martin Luther King without thinking, you know, that man’s terrible," sniffed former First Lady Jackie Kennedy. Robert had told her that Rev. King "was calling up all these girls and arranging for a party of men and women, I mean, sort of an orgy."

That Rev. King was a sex addict — though probably no worse than First Lady Kennedy’s husband, President JFK — has long been a source of embarrassment in an America that effectively declared MLK a "saint." More

Rev. MLK is honored by Buddhists alongside his friend and fellow activist TNH (Thai).

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