Sunday, January 23, 2022

Who mourns the loss of Thich Nhat Hanh?

NC TV; Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, A. Wells, A. Larson, T. Nguyen, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
I challenge you to a kung fu match, shaolin! j/k
Was Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh enlightened? No one dare ask.

Those who worship him, belong to his personality cult, do not question his holiness and would likely be upset if anyone did. It's unlikely they understand what "enlightened" literally means in Buddhist perspective.

Of course, there are two distinct perspectives (Hindu-Mahayana and Buddhist-Theravada) of what it means.

Those who call him a bodhisattva should know that means he is foregoing enlightenment and the complete liberation that comes with awakening to be a sort of "savior."

Today, make smiling an exercise. | Thich Nhat Hanh Quote Collective ॐ
Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh dead at 95: "In our hearts"
The Buddha's already here: TNH, 94 (SC Sentinel)
Indeed, many regard Thay (as he is generally referred to) as a savior, a messiah figure, not just a monk or peace activist or teacher.

What does he teach? Zen. What's that? Ask Alan Watts, who'll explain it's a mishmash of Taoism, Hinduism, Shinto, Confucianism, Shaolin training, with local beliefs and French Colonial Catholicism baked in, all with a Buddhist patina spread over it.

Vietnam has its own lore to add, though it is very influenced by neighboring China. What enlightenment means in Theravada perspective is much clearer and comes in stages.

Who will be the Buddha-to-come?
It's not hard to believe Thay reached one or more of these stages, but that does not seem emphasized by Mahayana in general or Zen in particular. They prefer a savior, a Maitreya (Messiah) to come.

In any case, many of Thay's disciples are mourning the impermanence of the impermanent, the destruction of that which was hurtling toward destruction, having failed to grasp his version of the message of mindfulness.

Self-reliance with the help of noble friends
They didn't listen to the historical Buddha, why would they listen to Thay?

Others are increasing their practice in joy, in letting go, experiencing purification. Some are going vegetarian for life in honor of him. Some may finally meditate -- and then seek to learn what that means.

Others will debate, pretend, and fade away from any resolution.

No one saves us but ourselves
No one can and no one may
We ourselves must walk the path
Buddhas only point the way

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