Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Who wants more censorship? (Jimmy Dore)

Jimmy Dore (jimmydorecomedy.com, 1/30/22); Seth Auberon, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Catch Jimmy Dore live on tour in Los Angeles
Chelsea Clinton, daughter of mainstream Democratic devils Bill and Hillary, is calling for extreme censorship. And former hippie Neil Young is leading the charge against Spotify for daring to keep playing content by the company's most popular and profitable voice, one Joe Rogan and his experience. First Neil Young blamed gay people for AIDS, when everyone knows it was a government-sponsored conspiracy, and now he's trying to blame Joe Rogan for misinformation about Fauci's latest pandemic (first AIDS now this), a certain coronavirus that goes by the moniker Convict-20 or something, with the up-to-the-minute variant, Omicron-B.

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