Saturday, February 5, 2022

In theatres now: "Jackass Fore♥er" (film)

Johnny Knoxville breaks down every injury of his career
(Vanity Fair) Johnny Knoxville breaks down all the injuries of his career up to 2018. Now he is starring in the most disastrous film of his life.

From pepper spray and taser guns, to breaking his ankle crossing the concrete Los Angeles River, to getting shot by a rocket over a lake and getting landed on by a motorbike, listen to Knoxville break down the timeline of his injuries.

He and the Jackass team return to the big screen in Jackass Forever, coming to theaters in February of 2022.

WARNING: The stunts in this interview were performed by professionals, so for your safety and the protection of those around you, do not attempt any of the stunts you're about to see.

Fun with Britney Spears (poop challenge)

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