Sunday, February 20, 2022

KRST Unity: Center for African Spirituality

The spirit of Meri Ka Ra Byrd (KRST Unity Center); Ras and eds., Wisdom Quarterly
The world's first university, even before Buddhist Nalanda U? SankoreTimbuktu

Africa is the cradle of humanity.
This website (KRST Unity Center) highlights the wide variety of fellowship and service (volunteering) opportunities available.

Feel free to read more about the KRST (\core-rast\) Center at its website or come in for a visit. The Pacifica ( African spirituality show ended with the passing of the Center's founder.
Members would love to meet those interested in person. KRST Unity Center of AfRaKan Spiritual Science is a center of and for people who teach and practice Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) spirituality based on the principles of MA’AT (Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Harmony, Order, Balance, and Reciprocity).

It is the Center's mission and purpose to provide a loving and supportive atmosphere for personal and spiritual growth for ALL people to learn how to apply the KRST principles TO MASTER OUR LIVES. More

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