Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Manifestation: Valentine's Day LOVE (music)

Lovemotives; Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

The yin-yang symbol is a Taoist.
What does "manifestation" mean? It has more to do with allowing, accepting, and embracing than with desiring, yearning, or striving. To want and to get is NOT to manifest.

Manifesting, like the Way of Taoism, is about flowing -- putting out thanks and joy to the universe for already receiving (see The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden, The Aware Show with Lisa Garr, or the entire body of work by Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks).

For as Sumerian and later Jewish mystics have written, "Ask and it is given," which very much does not say, "Ask and it will be given." Give thanks, and use the body in experiencing joy and the high vibration of gratitude.

This arose from Thursday's discussion on The Heidi & Frank Morning Show (2/9/22) on, as Johnny Ice questioned and decried the overuse and misuse of the term "manifesting."

The hit movie The Secret (Mark II) did all it could to obscure the real meaning, but the first version with Abraham-Hicks came closer to actually revealing something about the way this universe may work, according to the talking heads in the quasi-documentary movie.

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