Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Astrology: Full Moon can spice up love life

The AstroTwins, mbgMindfulness, SPIRITUALITY (mindbodygreen.com, Feb. 14, 2022); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What magic does lunar yin energy hold? (mbg creative X Guille Faingold/Stocksy)
This week's full moon could spice up your love life: Here's how to work with it
mbg Astrologers The AstroTwins
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fiercest of them all? The competition heats up Wednesday, Feb. 16th, as the 2022 full snow moon in Leo raises our gaze to the night skies.

Under this annual, lunar light, we'll all feel like putting our best, rhinestone-studded, statement-heeled, foot forward. Talk about major magnetism! Charm the world with brilliance and creativity and watch the fan base grow. Then feel free to enjoy the allure of purrs behind closed doors.

But this isn't just a moment. "Love planets" Venus and Mars connect in Capricorn for a rare, exact meetup on Feb. 16. In the sign of long-term goals and public prestige, any deals sealed under the 2022 full moon could go the distance, bringing lasting passion and fame. 

This full moon will also square the lunar North and South Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. Been too "fixed" about plans lately? Invite more creativity into the process.

Stability and security are nice to have, but one can pay too high of a price if one compromises on things like passion, creativity, and romance. So maybe it's better to be a little uncertain about the future if it means keeping the door open for dreaming. 

This full moon earned its name from numerous Indigenous tribes for obvious reasons. The snow moon represents peak winter, when the ground is most likely to be blanketed in white in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

With playful Leo in the full moon hot seat — or should we say on the ice throne — this year, get out and enjoy some winter fun. Take a ski or snowboarding lesson and hit the slopes. Build a snowman, take the kids sledding, or just make a snow angel.

No need to stay out for hours if that's not appealing. But like Leo, a sign that loves to be one of a kind, remember that every snowflake is unique!

Here are seven ways to harness the potency of the Feb. 2022 full snow moon in Leo:

1. Boldly step forth.
I am the king of the jungle, sometimes.
Noble Leo is the zodiac's hero, always willing to take a chance or speak up when nobody else dares. Summon your courage, even if that means acting in the face of your fear because you know it's the right thing to do. This is the magnanimous leadership that Leo illustrates when expressing its highest vibration.

Leo is the galactic guardian of creativity, glamour, romance, and fertility. Shifting your attention inward, you can also use the energy of the full moon in Leo to do some self-reflection and fast-track personal growth. Take an inventory of the places in your life where you could step up to a higher level of responsibility. Perhaps go a stride further and imagine how you can use your influence to create a greater connection to the world around you.

2. Grab the headlines.
It's a new year, so be a new you.
Under the potent Feb. 2022 full snow moon in Leo, see efforts come to light in a bold and attention-grabbing way. We all have something worthy of shouting from the rooftops, and this moon gives us permission to intentionally self-promote.

Tooting our own horn isn't an act of narcissism. Owning our gifts publicly can put us in touch with the wonder of our unique and divine talents. It helps to create a sense of deep gratitude for the life we get to live!

The trick is to focus outward instead of just trolling for applause and validation. How will our offerings benefit other people? What's in it for them? And are we acting in a spirit of service rather than servicing our own egos?

Abracadabra and open sesame!
Of course, there's nothing wrong with reveling solely in our own superpowers, too. While we're gazing at the full moon, let's do a round of virtual fist-bumps with our inner circle, with each of us taking a few minutes to boast about our latest accomplishments while the others cheer wildly for our amazingness! 

(Check out ideas for full moon rituals here). Have we been hiding our light at work? Turn it up to stadium-beam level in the two weeks that follow this full moon! This is the perfect time to start a buzz on social media or to set up a pitch meeting with a client to be wooed. Be sure to include all the ways we are the best at what we do.

3. Just dance.

Good friendship (Sigalovada Sutta)
Full-bodied self-expression is what this Leo lunar event is all about, so bailamos! Need a visual? Just picture Leo Jennifer Lopez basically anywhere from TikTok to the Super Bowl halftime stage.

Whether we're hitting a dance floor or reprising that vibe in our own living room, get lost in the beat…but don't stop there. Let the dance revolution enter our life as an ongoing tradition. Daily dance breaks are good for the soul — and the heart, the organ Leo rules.

There's no time like the present to get ours pumping at a cardio-approved BPM.

4. Give birth to something.
Leo is the sign of fertility, and this moment is ripe for creation! [Manifest something.]

Figuratively speaking, we may feel a strong urge to "birth" a creative project that's been hovering in the embryonic stage of development. Set up home-recording equipment or book studio time. Write the outline for a genre-busting novel or get the production line set up for Etsy store wares.

Whatever the case, take a lionhearted leap in a proactive direction. Since Leo is the sign that rules fame, this divine timing of the Feb. 2022 full snow moon might help draw some public acclaim when a masterpiece is ready for its big reveal.

5. Shine bright like a (conflict-free) diamond.
Glamazon Leo is the sign that rules pleasure, indulgence, and full-bodied self-expression. Break out the sequins, bold patterns, and glittery everything....

7. Have a Valentine's Day sequel celebration.
Already coupled? Enjoy some extra romance. Meditation by moonlight? Yes, please. If comfortable with traveling, dream up plans for a "baecation" — and find the perfect rental to suit some desire. More

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