Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Visiting Ajahn Brahm in Australia (video)

A visit to Ajahn Brahm at Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery in Australia
(Setiawan & Dewi [ BALI ], Jan. 2, 2017) Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery is located at 216 Kingsbury Drive, Serpentine Western Australia 6126, Australia (Google maps)

I can sit in peace in this place.
Bodhinyana Buddhist Monastery is nestled amidst the rolling hills of the Darling Range, near the small town of Serpentine, Western Australia.

The monastery began its growth in 1983. Named after the great teacher Ajahn Chah, Bodhinyana means the "wisdom of enlightenment." With the generous help and support of a dedicated lay community, the monastics have built Bodhinyana to establish a home beneath the trees in harmony with nature.

The monastery is home to about 20 monks, residing in huts scattered over 242 acres. There is a large meditation hall, where members of the public are welcome to spend time enjoying the peace and tranquility of the atmosphere here in meditation or relaxation.

There is also a kitchen, dining hall, and accommodation for anagarikas (white robed, long-term residents) and guests.

Bodhinyana Monastery provides an ideal environment for solitude and simplicity in which the monastic sangha and residents can dedicate their practice to the cultivation of virtue, meditation (stillness, samadhi), and wisdom.

Humor in Buddhism with Ajahn Brahm

(Buddhist Society of Western Australia, 3/31/17) Ajahn Brahm gives a humorous talk on bringing fun and laughter into our Buddhist practice and life. He says too many people are far too serious. He talks about seeing the positive in everything and the huge benefits of being able to laugh at what for many people is extremely sad, such as having dementia. He points out some benefits of laughter, such as: It leads to a positive mind, removes fear, and lifts anxiety. Here's how.

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