Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Watch moonrise and sunset at same time

Jesse Emspak (, 2/11/22); Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Snow Moon Wednesday, 11:57 am EST, 0457 GMT (Ozkan Bilgin/Anadolu Agency/Getty)
Snow moon 2022 is accompanied by predawn planets: Catch Venus, Mars, Mercury before sunrise
The full moon of February, called the "Snow Moon," will arrive Wednesday (Feb. 16th) at 11:57 am EST (0457 GMT).

That same day, the planet Mercury reaches its greatest distance west of the sun, making it a bright but challenging to observe "morning star" in mid-northern latitudes.

In New York City the full moon will rise at 5:32 pm local time, according to Time and Dateexactly the time of sunset, so from an area with a flat horizon (open fields or water being good candidates) one can watch the sunset and moonrise at the same time.

It will look like this in the west as sun sets.
The moon will be in the constellation Leo, the lion, and by midnight it will reach a maximum elevation of 67.9 degrees in New York. The moon's altitude will be similar in mid-northern latitudes.

The farther south one is, the higher the moon's elevation will be. In Miami, for example, the moon's altitude at midnight will be about 83 degrees. More

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