Friday, February 11, 2022

Wim Hof's Survival Guide (Russell Brand)

Wim Hof, Russell Brand, 3/31/20; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Wim Hof's Pandemic Survival Guide
(Russell Brand) This is a clip from the Under the Skin Luminary podcast with the incredible and inspiring Wim "Iceman" Hof. His ability to control his body and how it reacts to adverse environmental stimuli seems limitless. In the past Hof has bathed in ice, asked to deliberately be injected with E-coli to see if he could suppress harmful bacteria using breath (prana) alone...and he succeeded. He beat the germ; the germ did not beat him! Could Hof's techniques help us during pandemics and other assaults?

Ask Wim: Psychedelics and common drugs?

Check out Wim Hof's app and try one of his online mini classes:

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