Friday, March 25, 2022

Russell Brand: Ukraine and our media (video)

They WANT war (and they're not Russian): The Press promotes war.
Putin is the target used to promote war
What's their motive? Ratings and profits, doing the bidding of their monopolistic owners, barons of the military-industrial complex and Big Pharma, corporate-media spectrum with our politicians in their pockets, not by "bribes" but political donations.

US Pres. Biden wants to give "lethal aid" to attack Russia by proxy? Thank you, Newspeak. A new study reveals that the MSM (mainstream media) have taken a hawkish (pro-war) view on the Ukraine conflict and incursion. But surely it can’t just be about their ratings, can it?

#Russia #Ukraine #MainstreamMedia

Oh, so Trump wasn’t lying then
(Russell Brand, March 23, 2022) The mainstream media ignored the Hunter Biden story in 2020. Now they finally admit that it’s real: What was corrupt politician Biden's son doing to make money (take bribes) abroad? What other “conspiracy theories” will be proven and admitted to be true in the future?

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