Saturday, March 5, 2022

Rape in prison is real, brags gay F. Johnson

MSNBC/Aaron W; L. David; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Fleece Johnson, homosexual "Booty" rapist
Meet self-proclaimed "Booty Warrior" Fleece Johnson. Males make light of it, but succumbing to unwelcome sexual advances -- culminating in violent rape -- in prison, the workplace, home, or in public is a serious and life-altering event tantamount to any assault but worse.

Worse? Rape is the second most traumatic injury one could suffer, death being the first. Yet, males laugh and joke about it incessantly, a signal of their deep-seated fear and discomfort with this taboo. Is it a laughing matter? It seems to be:

Most male-on-male sexual assaults, particularly those in the U.S. military, go unreported out of shame and discomfort with our distorted and outmoded views on sex and masculinity.

Many of us are told it doesn't really happen in prison when, in fact, it seems to be all that happens -- along with drug use, feces spreading, boredom, gambling, depression, and psychosis brought on from modern torture methods.

(Gayle cover) "abcdeFU" -- We don't like it, Fleece, and will scream!
Curb Your Enthusiasm

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