Wednesday, March 16, 2022

LA Mushroom Society (General Meeting 3/21)

Rich Collier (LAMS MU); Ananda (DB Meditation), Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Sacred Mushroom
LAMS (Los Angeles Mycological Society) is having an online general meeting livestreamed on YouTube. The link is available for those who RSVP (free).
What do fungi (mushrooms, mycelium, moss, lichens, yeasts, molds) have to teach us about the world around and within us?

There is a Psychedelic Sangha (Community)
As some of the oldest sentient organisms on Earth, the Fifth Queendom on the Tree of Life, alongside the four other kingdoms, is rich with examples of what being in good relation to the environment looks like.

It's demonstrated by the traditional approaches to working with fungi found throughout the world.

In this talk, McCoy explores many human-fungal ties and the lessons they offer on being in good relationship with our homebase.
Mushrooms in Buddhist art are umbrellas?

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