Friday, March 25, 2022

Never Forget Tibet: Dalai Lama's Story (3/31)

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Dhr. Seven; Reynold Watkins (3rd Sats); Wisdom Quarterly

A new movie called Never Forget Tibet: The Dalai Lama's Untold Story is premiering in Pasadena. We'll meet at Laemmle's Playhouse 7 to watch this new doc about the current Dalai Lama, a kind of Pope in Vajrayana Buddhism.

[Will it reveal his CIA involvement as a paid asset whose brother and inner circle accepted weapons and militant training in Colorado by US forces using Tibet to fight a proxy war against China? Probably not. (See the Los Angeles Times for that reporting). This is likely a fluff piece to promote the story we all know of a great man made by the media.]

Meet inside theater about 6:45 pm for the movie that starts at 7:00 pm. It will be followed by discussion afterwards. The movie has a runtime 140 minutes.

FYI: This is the one and only screening! There will be no other time or day to see it.

If Pasadena is out of reach, go to Fathom Events' website ( to find a nearby screening.

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