Saturday, March 19, 2022

Scientific Evidence for Rebirth (Dr. Analayo)

Ven. Bhikkhu Analayo (; Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Join a rigorous academic scholar and Theravada Buddhist monk on a rich tour of rebirth, from ancient doctrine to contemporary debates.

German university professor and Buddhist monk Ven. Analayo, Ph.D. had not given much attention to the topic of rebirth before some friends asked him to explore the treatment of the issue in the ancient Buddhist texts.
This succinct volume presents his findings, approaching the topic from four directions: The first chapter examines the doctrine of rebirth as it is presented in the earliest Buddhist sources and the way it relates to core doctrinal (Dharma) principles.

The second chapter reviews debates about rebirth throughout Buddhist history up to modern times, noting the role of "confirmation bias" in evaluation of evidence.

Prof. Analayo, Univ. of Hamburg
The third chapter reviews the merits of current scientific research on rebirth, including near-death experiences (NDEs), past-life regression, and children who spontaneously recall previous lives.

This chapter concludes with an examination of xenoglossy, the inexplicable ability to speak languages one had not previously learned.

The fourth chapter examines the particular case of Dhammaruwan, a Sri Lankan boy who chants ancient Pali language texts that he did not learn in this life.

Rebirth in Early Buddhism and Current Research brings together many strands of the debate on rebirth (often referred to as reincarnation, rearising, or again becoming) in one place, making it both comprehensive and compact.

This is not a polemic but an interrogation of the evidence. It allows readers to come to their own conclusions. More

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