Friday, March 25, 2022

The Jimmy Dore Show: Bernie Sanders

Mike MacRae, Jimmy Dore (; Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Poor Bernie, poor fool. How did that "revolution" go? You tricked us into hope, a cynical ploy to gather votes and flush them down the toi.' Like B.S. Obama, take the hopes of a nation and flush it. Like O'Brien in Nineteen Eighty-Four...

In a prole (Proletariat) neighborhood, Winston buys a diary where he secretly writes down criticisms of the surveillance state and Big Brother.

To his dismay, when he visits a dilapidated prole section of town, he discovers the people have no political consciousness.

This explains how we were duped
Working at the Ministry of Truth as a professional liar, disappearing people and altering recorded history for the Party, he meets Anti-Sex League member Julia, a young radical at the Ministry. He suspects her of being a spy and develops an intense hatred of her, which later turns to love and a sexual relationship.

He vaguely suspects that his superior, an Inner Party official named O'Brien, is part of an enigmatic underground resistance movement known as the Brotherhood, formed by Big Brother's reviled political rival Emmanuel Goldstein -- who in this case would be the Bernard Sanders of our time. But it's a trap, Winston! You're being tricked. More

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