Thursday, March 17, 2022

There's no gays in Ireland...and other myths

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly; Nicola Spendlove, 3/8/20; Sir Stevo Timothy 'n Kathleen; Red Peters

10 Irish stereotypes that are actually true
Home is nice in theory: Meanwhile in Ireland
We all hate being stereotyped based on our race or nationality -- but there are some Irish stereotypes that are just plain true.

From way we act to the food we eat, in many ways we are a very predictable island nation. As much as they might make us cringe, here are ten Irish clichés that we put our hands up and admit to:

10. We’re allergic to praise; change the subject!
What, ya mean these old rags?
Next time you meet an Irish person, try this experiment: Tell them you love their outfit. If they begin spitting out words about Penney's or sales or the phrase “this old yoke?” then you have found yourself a real live Irish stereotype. Irish people are genetically incapable of saying “thank you” to a compliment. Praise makes us break out in hives and provokes an instant muttering and subject changing response. Social scientists are not yet sure why.

9. We’re terrible at giving direct answers: We mean the opposite of what we say!
Why don't you just say what you mean, Diane?
If an Irish person ever says, “Might see you there,” that means s/he definitely isn’t going to your party. Sorry. Likewise, the Irish stereotype of saying, “No, you’re grand!” to a cup of tea when you really mean an emphatic, “Yes, I’m gasping” very much rings true. Sure, the Irish language doesn’t even have a direct way of saying yes or no. We never stood a chance with this one. There’s no denying that this is one of many Irish stereotypes that is actually true.

8. We have the best sense of humor
It's the famous Irish craic (\crack\). We’re a dark people, really. We find a chuckle in the most dismal situations, and it’s many an Irish mammy who has thrown out the phrase, “Everything’s a joke with you!” in the heat of the moment. We’re definitely suppressing a lot of bad emotions — but, hey, at least we’re having a good time.

7. We all know each other, one big community!
An Irishman was the first white Buddhist monk
What’s the only thing more annoying for an Irish person than being asked if he or she knows Pat O’Shea when you mention you’re from County Roscommon?

Realizing that yes, you actually do know Pat O’Shea because your cousin went to playschool with him. More

"The Two Gay Irishmen"

There are NO gays in Ireland. Well, that's not true. In this grand Land O' Fairies, there are two, Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald. But no Scot should make fun! They've got two in tutus, too: Ben Dover and Phil McCrackin. Everyone knows it from Red Peters' "The Two Gay Irishmen." We love our Oscar Wilde and LGBT artist Hozier and are only too happy to take him to church.

No gays but some lesbians
(Saturday Night Live) Europa is a lesbian nation full of tension

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