Friday, March 18, 2022

Full Moon, Worm Moon 2022: Uposatha (3/18)

Full Worm Moon 2022: What we've been avoiding has finally arrived
(DNA Awakening, 3/18/22) The full moon in March is known as the Worm Moon.

It occurs on Friday the 18th, when Luna (Soma, Chandra) is in the sign of Virgo, according to the astronomical calendar (

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SUTRA: The Buddhist lunar observance
"Roots of the Fasting Day" (AN 3.70), Ven. Thanissaro (trans.) edited by Wisdom Quarterly
Full ‘worm moon’ of March 2022 to shine this week as spring equinox nears -

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi at the Eastern Monastery, the palace of Migara's mother.

Now at that time — it being the fasting (uposatha or lunar observance) day — Visakha, Migara's mother, went to the Blessed One in the middle of the day, bowed, and sat respectfully to one side.

As she was sitting there, the Blessed One said to her: "Well now, Visakha, what brings you in the middle of the day?"

"Today I am observing the uposatha, venerable sir."

"Visakha, there are three uposathas. What are they? The uposatha of a cowherd, of the Jains, and the of the noble ones.

"What is the uposatha of a cowherd? Just as when a cowherd returns the cattle to their owners in the evening, he reflects: 'Today the cattle wandered to that spot and this, drank at this spot and that; tomorrow they will wander to that spot and this, will drink at this spot and that' -- in the same way, a certain person observing the uposatha reflects, 'Today I ate this and that sort of food. Tomorrow I will eat that and this food.' He spends the day covetous, greedy. Such is the uposatha of a cowherd, Visakha.

"When this uposatha of a cowherd is undertaken, it is not of great fruit or benefit, not of great brilliance or radiance.

"What is the uposatha of the Jains? There are the wandering ascetics called the Niganthas (the Jains). They get their disciples to undertake the following practice: 'Here, my good person, set aside the rod  [cudgel, whip, weapon] with regard to beings who live more than 100 leagues to the east... more than 100 leagues to the west... more than 100 leagues to the north... more than 100 leagues to the south.' Thus they get their disciples to undertake kindness and sympathy to some beings but not others.

"On the uposatha day, they get their disciples to undertake the following practice: 'Here, my good person, having stripped off all your clothing, say this: "I am nothing by anything or of anything. Thus there is nothing by anything or of anything that is mine [I am possessionless, which is how they get the name Nigantha]."'

"Yet in spite of that, parents know of them, 'These are our child.' And one knows of them, 'These are our parents.' One's spouses and children know, 'This is our spouse and parent.' And one knows of them, 'These are our spouses and children.' One's workers and slaves know, 'This is our master.' And one knows of them, 'These are our workers and slaves.'

"Thus at a time when one should be persuaded to undertake truthfulness, one is persuaded to undertake falsehood. At the end of the night, one resumes the consumption of one's belongings, even though they aren't given back to one. This counts as stealing, I say. Such is the uposatha of the Jains, Visakha. When this uposatha of the Jains is undertaken, it is not of great fruit or benefit, not of great brilliance or radiance.

"What is the uposatha of the noble ones? It is the cleansing of the defiled mind [heart] through the proper technique. How is the defiled mind cleansed through the proper technique?

"The disciples of the noble ones recollect the Tathagata [the Buddha] in this way: 'Indeed, the Blessed One is worthy and rightly awakened, consummate in knowledge and appropriate conduct, well gone, a knower of the world, unexcelled as a trainer for those fit to be tamed, Teacher of divine (devas) and human beings, fully awakened, blessed.'

"As recollecting the Tathagata, one's mind is calmed and joy arises; the defilements of the mind are abandoned, just as when the head is cleansed through the proper technique. How is the head cleansed through the proper technique?

"Through the use of cosmetic paste and clay and the appropriate human effort is how the head is cleansed through the proper technique. In the same way, the defiled mind is cleansed through the proper technique. How is the defiled mind cleansed through the proper technique?

"The disciples of the noble ones recollect the Tathagata... As they are recollecting the Tathagata, their minds are cleansed, and joy arises; the defilements of the mind are abandoned. Thus one is called a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the Supreme Observance (Brahma-Uposatha).

"One lives with Brahma [the Supreme = the Buddha]. It is owing to Brahma that one's mind is calmed, that joy arises, and whatever defilements there are in the mind are abandoned. This is how the defiled mind is cleansed through the proper technique.

"[Again, the uposatha of the noble ones] is the cleansing of the defiled mind through the proper technique. How in this sense is the defiled mind cleansed through the proper technique?

"The disciples of the noble ones recollect the Dharma [Teaching] in this way: 'The Dharma is well-expounded by the Blessed One, to be seen here and now, of immediate effect, inviting one to come and see [and to test and verify], pertinent, to be realized by the wise for themselves."

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