Saturday, April 2, 2022

Buddhist mudras and their meanings

What is a mudra? It is a Sanskrit word that means "sign" or "hand gesture." It may have been used in yoga class. Images of the Buddha often show him holding a mudra.

On a superficial level, a mudra is often indicated as a hand gesture. However, mudras have deeper spiritual significance.

We communicate meaning by our gestures.
It can even be said that our lives or homes can be a sign. They can be symbols of great meaning. 

Buddhist imagery can be used in feng shui in the home as a spiritual reminder. The Buddha represents the potential for awakening, true happiness, and the goodness inherent in each living being reborn as a human. All sentient beings have the potential to evolve.

Gold statue Buddha, Sri Lanka
If we take it a step further, select a deity to display in the home holding a particular mudra to enhance a spiritual aspiration. When it comes to feng shui, Buddhist imagery is not a requirement.

However, if it’s something one is attracted to, this is the right article to be reading. The imagery of any mudra (or even holding them with our own hands) may act as a support for any area of our lives or homes.

Here are some of commonly used Buddhist mudras and their meanings:

Dhyana mudra (Roberta Sá/EyeEm/Getty)
: Meditation (jhana, "absorption") Mudra: This mudra is common in Mahayana Buddhism, a popular path that emphasizes compassion for all living beings over wisdom, in contrast to Theravada Buddhism that focuses on the direct personal experience of enlightenment in this very life.

With this hand gesture, place the right hand on top of the left... More

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