Friday, April 22, 2022

DisclosureFest 2022 (early tickets by 4/22)

Adrian (, Earth Day 2022); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation - DisclosureFest), Dhr. Seven (ed.), Jen B, Xochitl, Ashley Wells, Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly

Hello, Star Family!

As everyone already knows, our world has shifted the ways in which we gather, communicate, and do business.

This alteration to a new normal has affected how organizations operate and generate abundance, and the DisclosureFest Foundation has not been immune to this transition.

This is why DisclosureFest has decided to move away from being a donation-based event to charging admission.

This move ensures that initiatives can be kept going to provide for communities and to produce a heart-centered quality experience that all have grown to love.
[Co-]Founder Adrian Vallera had a vision
When the DisclosureFest Foundation was born, its founder, Adrian Vallera, received a strong directive from spirit to have the Mass Meditation Initiative be and remain a non-ticketed event. Spirit was very clear to him that this was to be a healing experience for all, creating a space where those who felt called to support could donate based on their own energetic guidance and ability.

Adrian truly trusted and surrendered to the will of Spirit without fully understanding what that message meant. That was until the 2019 Mass Meditation Initiative, when he was informed that a great number of attendees returned to the front entrance, filled with gratitude, and donated.

He was also told that those donors gave freely from their hearts with the sentiment of not being able to remain in such a beautiful event for free. It was then in December of 2021 where spirit once again came through to Adrian with a very clear message that now is the time to create the sustainability of abundance to support communities through initiatives.

As most are aware, DisclosureFest Foundation's largest contribution is through initiatives, which are intended to heal the collective and planet. These programs include:
  • Feed Our Souls,
  • StarSeeds,
  • Clean Air Initiative,
  • Beach and River Cleanups,
  • Every Elder involvement,
  • Mass Meditation Initiative.
Whoa, it's almost like the Sixties!
This means that each ticket sold to this upcoming event contributes directly to a person being fed, a tree being planted, a waterway being restored, a child being educated, or an elder feeling love and connection.

The Foundation hopes that all will keep these initiatives in their thoughts and share in the joy of making a difference with us when a ticket donation is made.

It warms our hearts when we see the love and energy that everyone collectively brings to these events. All are invited to share in this vision of picking up the pieces of the past and co-creating a world that we all want to live in together.

Spirit moved us to Ascension in 2022 and beyond
We all are in witness to a fresh start to manifest a world filled with love, abundance, and compassion for all, while also remembering who we are as a collective consciousness.

We can't wait to welcome all to the summer solstice portal we've built together.

With love and gratitude,
    • DisclsoureFest Foundation
Ticket Tiers
  • Children 12 and younger enter free. Must be accompanied by a parent or guardian with a ticket.
  • Early Riser Ticket ($55 donation) This Ticket has been extended until April 22, 2011. Get one now!!! 
  • Community Ticket ($77 donation) General admission ticket.
  • VIB or "Very Involved Being" Ticket ($111 donation) Receive an event t-shirt with this ticket. Comes with speed pass line to avoid the long line to get in. This ticket fast tracks into the park.
  • Guardian Angel ($1111 donation) Know that 80% of this ticket funds The Feed our Souls Initiative. Each ticket donation will feed 150 home-free people in Los Angeles. This ticket tier gets a green room experience, where those who donate can meet their favorite artists. Includes a healing offering such as massage or energy work from DisclosureFest healing staff. All-day food and beverage are also included and a festival t-shirt. This also includes free entry to any event of ticket holder's choosing throughout the year.
  • The Do-Gooder is a discount ticket ($33 donation) created to spread good deeds throughout our communities for the beautification of our neighborhoods and planet, Mother Gaia.
This code can be earned by spending a few hours on one day of one's choosing, picking up trash in a local neighborhood or on a hike, at a park, beach, river, or anywhere the natural environment is impacted by litter. This activity can be done SOULy or alongside a group of no more than 5 (five) members of one's choosing or family members. How to participate: First step is to like and follow @Disclosurefest on Instagram and Facebook. Next, post a minimum of four (4) four pictures of the cleanup on Instagram and/or Facebook. Post must include: At least two (2) before pictures of the space to be cleaned and beautified and at least two (2) after photos that include the angel(s) that cleaned as well as the bags of trash they gathered.

More pictures are encouraged but not required. The hashtags #DFDOGOODER, #DISCLOSUREFEST, and #TRASHTAG as well as the location of the good-doings. Please use the "add location" option to share the location of the trash pick up sight so others visiting can become inspired by how the spot was helped. Pictures must also be emailed to Do-gooders will be notified if they qualify to receive a discount code for a person and/or group by email. DisclosureFest is requesting proof of at least one 30 to 40 gallon bag of trash per each person participating, as well as the location the cleanup took place. Home garbage does not count. An actual effort to help restore and clean an outside, public area/location in nature, is the only way to receive this donation ticket.

DISCLAIMER: All cleanup activities involve inherent risk of harm and/or personal injury. By participating in the cleanup do-gooders are personally assuming all such risks. DisclosureFest™ Foundation bears no liability nor responsibility for any harm or injuries as a result of participation.
  • Scholarship Ticket This will be a limited run of no-cost tickets for people that are having a difficult time financially. To enter for a chance to be selected, send a letter to requesting a Scholarship Ticket and explain in detail why the requester is in need and how that person can benefit from being at the Mass Meditation Initiative. Requesters will be notified after May 24th, 2022 if they qualify. Please keep in mind that this will be a limited run of tickets and that this show may sell out prior to being notified.
DisclosureFest is a rain or shine event. In the event of a cancellation of this event, a ticket is fully refundable.

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