Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Funeral for US war criminal Maddy Albright

Top: Former presidents mourn Madeleine Albright at the National Cathedral, April 27, 2022. Bottom: A Yugoslav soldier and a rescue worker search search for survivors after NATO's attack on the Serbian media outlet RTS in April 1999.
More war, right Maddy? - Right, Bill.
The word “Iraq” was not uttered once during the three-hour funeral of former US Secretary of War Madeleine Albright, who laid the groundwork for the [illegal] US invasion of that country and helped set the stage for the current war in Ukraine.

It’s fitting that presidents Joe Biden and Bill and Hillary Clinton should eulogize Madeleine Albright at the mammoth Episcopalian institution calling itself the “National Cathedral.” After all, just last year, Albright eulogized fellow war-maker, “trailblazer,” and fellow Episcopalian Colin Powell there for his “honesty, dignity, loyalty and an unshakable commitment to his calling and word.”

Albright, Biden, and the Clintons covered for each other’s criminal war making -- and ultimately, they all enabled and covered for Republican criminality as well. All showed they were capable of murderous deceits.

It sparked some measure of attention during the 2020 election, but it’s largely been forgotten that the current sitting US president, who with great hypocrisy calls Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin a war criminal, Joe Biden, won’t tell the truth about his Iraq war record -- and he hasn’t for years.

Indeed, the death of Albright on March 23, 2022, seemed to almost be a case of Providence attempting to interject history into the current geopolitical situation, most obviously through the war in Ukraine.

But one should not expect reckoning to be heard from the podium at the National Cathedral at her funeral on April 27, 2022. The war planners have had time to prepare their convoluted case. More

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